We are living in a religious world that is divided over a plethora of spiritual matters. To many, it does not matter that we are as long as we believe in the core doctrine of “belief” in Christ. This ignorance has given acceptance to the different churches in our world today. However, the prayer of Jesus for His followers is that we all be one (John 17: 20-21). And God has situated a place (His church) where that possibility exists.
With all of the different churches today, which church has God’s approval? Is one church as good as another? Does it make any difference? If a person denies the exclusivity, uniqueness, and the oneness of the church in the plan of God, then that person unintentionally implies that the death of Christ and the blood of Christ are non-essential. If the church is a by-product of man, then it does not matter what church one belongs to. However, if God is the author of the church, then it deserves our careful attention to its existence.
I send this tract forward in a loving and sincere plea that you (the reader) investigate these matters with an open mind and Bible to the answering of these questions. Peter wrote: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3: 15). Our leading question is: Why the Church of Christ….
BECAUSE IT IS THE BIBLE CHURCH. On one occasion Jesus was questioned about His authority and He in turned asked about the baptism of John if it were from heaven or from men (Matthew 21: 24). The question put His antagonist in a dilemma and they could not answer. If it were from heaven then it had divine authority. If it were from men then it did not have God’s approval. The church of Christ is the Bible church. It is the only church in the New Testament with God’s approval (Romans 16: 16). There is not one denomination (church) ever mentioned in the Bible. Every denomination was started by some man therefore without God’s approval. If you cannot find your church in the Bible, then it cannot be the Bible church. The church of Christ is the one and only church in the Bible.
BECAUSE IT IS THE CHURCH JESUS BUILT. After Peter had confessed Christ to be the Son of God, Jesus utters a world-wide sweeping truth about His church. “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16: 18). The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus would build His church. The church belongs to Christ. If Jesus built His church (and He did) then the church would obviously wear His name. The name “church of Christ” shows ownership to the builder. The fact that Jesus built His church is proof that every denomination was built by some man. But the Bible teaches, “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it…” (Psalm 127: 1). This passage is applied in principle to the building of His church. The church of Christ is the one and only church built by Jesus.
BECAUSE IT CONSISTS OF THE SAVED. Throughout the Bible God has located salvation. In Noah’s day it was in the ark (Genesis 6: 18). On one occasion God located salvation in Rahab’s house (Joshua 2: 17-19). On yet another, it was in the six cities of refuge (Numbers 35: 25-28). In the New Testament, God has put salvation in His church. “…praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2: 47). From this passage of scripture, the Bible teaches that the saved are in the church of Christ. We note from this passage: (1) The person was the Lord (2) It was the Lord who added (3) It was the Lord who added to the church (4) Those being added were being saved in the church the Lord was adding to. If the Lord adds to the church and if salvation is in the church, then no one can be saved outside of the church. We have already studied that that church is the church of Christ. The Lord would not build His church and add people to something else. If a person has not been added to the church by the Lord, then that person is not saved. Men “join” denominations (churches) but the Lord “adds” to His one church. And, the saved are in the one church. Further, the saved were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1: 18-19). The saved are in the church of Christ bought by the blood of Christ (Acts 20: 28). Therefore, denominations are individuals not redeemed by the blood of Christ and are not bought by the blood of Christ because they are not in the church of Christ. The church of Christ is the one and only church that consists of the saved.
BECAUSE IT IS THE CHURCH JESUS IS COMING BACK FOR. When the Lord descends from heaven for His final coming, He will come back to destroy this earth and to receive His people (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18). In 2 Timothy 2: 19 we read, “Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: ‘The lord knows those who are His, and, ‘Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’” Those who name the name are members of His church. Further, the Bible teaches the Lord is coming back for His church with expectation. “…that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5: 27). The Lord is not coming back for unauthorized “churches” started by men (cf. Matthew 15: 13). But He is coming back for His church. The church of Christ is the one and only church that Jesus is coming back for.
Much confusion exists in Christendom concerning the church. Mainstream religion teaches that the church is composed of all denominational bodies who identify themselves as believers in Christ. In contrast, the Bible teaches that those who obey heaven’s plan of salvation constitute members of His church. The church does not consist of different denomination bodies teaching different doctrines in opposition and contradiction of each other.
We pray for you honest inquiry on the aforementioned matters. It is not our purpose to demean, offend, or question your sincerity in your religious beliefs. However, we know the Bible to be the final authority in all religious matters and will one day judge us by what we have done in this life (John 12: 48). It has been my objective to set forth as clearly, concisely, and understandably what the Bible teaches along this line. Please study these matters objectively and as dispassionately as possible. We solicit your questions and pray for your search of the truth.
∼By Stacey Mobley